
  • Víctor Manuel Taboada Urtuzuástegui
  • Francisco Alonso Flores-López
  • Diego Cruz Roque Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
  • Procoro Barrera Nabor
  • Shuang Cindy Cao
  • Kuat C. Gan
  • Vishal Dantal
  • Zianya Xarény González Ramírez
  • Esteban Ernesto Espinosa Samudio
  • Sergio Dionicio Renovato Carrión
  • Juan Manuel Hernández Durón




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The Bay of Campeche is located in a region of moderate to high seismic activity related to the active triple junction between the North American, Caribbean, and Cocos plate boundaries. Therefore, the fixed offshore platforms and subsea structures in the Bay of Campeche must be designed against earthquake loading. A database was developed of classification and index properties tests, in situ measurements of shear wave velocity (Vs) using downhole P-S suspension seismic velocity logging, in situ piezocone penetration tests, resonant column tests to characterize the shear modulus and material damping ratio at small shear strains (10−5 % to about 0.1 %), and strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear tests to evaluate the decrease of shear modulus and the increase of material damping ratio at large shear strains (0.1 % to about 10 %) performed on sand from the Bay of Campeche, including sands with no carbonate content to 100 % carbonate content, retrieved from the seafloor to a penetration depth of 120 m below seafloor. The database was tailored specifically to develop empirical correlations for the Bay of Campeche sand to determine Vs when in situ measurements of Vs are not available and to develop numerical modeling to predict the variation of the normalized shear modulus (G/Gmax) and material damping ratio (D) as a function of shear strains (g) when dynamic test results are unavailable for all the sand layers. The equations developed to calculate Vs and the curves of G/Gmax-g and D-g of Bay of Campeche sands are recommended for preliminary or perhaps even final seismic site response evaluations.


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How to Cite

Taboada Urtuzuástegui, V. M. ., Flores-López, F. A., Cruz Roque, D., Barrera Nabor, P. ., Cindy Cao, S. C. C., Gan, K. C. ., … Hernández Durón, J. M. . (2022). DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF SAND FOR EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE ANALYSIS IN THE BAY OF CAMPECHE. Journal Earthquake Engineering, (109), 69–91. https://doi.org/10.18867/ris.109.615





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