1967 earthquake, Belaire building, nonlinear dynamic analysis, Los Palos GrandesAbstract
The 1967 earthquake caused damage in 48% of buildings located in the Los Palos Grandes-Altamira area in Caracas. The surprising performance of a highly vulnerable reinforced concrete frame building is analyzed, which did not suffer damage during the earthquake despite not having beams in one direction and having a weak floor condition at its lower level due to the absence of walls. Four pairs of accelerograms representative of movement in the thick sediment zone were generated, considering that the motion has an intensity in the North-South direction that is approximately three times greater than the East-West direction. Mathematical models adjusted to environmental vibration measurements were developed. The response of the building was determined by means of non-linear dynamic analysis, achieving a performance similar to that observed, highlighting a significant variation in the response from one accelerogram to another. The influence of the particular orientation of this building is highlighted; the lack of damage was due to the favorable coincidence between the strong direction of greater rigidity and resistance of the structure and the direction of greater intensity of ground motion. The performance of the building was evaluated if it had been built rotated 90°, obtaining significant structural damage, which emphasizes the need to reinforce similar old buildings that were not damaged.
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