


experimental building, Charles Lee Powell laboratory, ambient vibration, forced vibration, modal forms, characteristic frequencies


Records of ambient and forced vibration are analyzed to determine the dynamic properties (modal forms and characteristic frequencies) of an experimental five-story full-scale reinforced masonry building in the Charles Lee Powell Laboratory at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). It was the first full-scale building, built in 1992, for earthquake resistance testing in the United States of America. Vibration records were obtained during the three stages of the building: newly constructed, damaged under simulated seismic load, and repaired. The analysis of both, ambient and forced vibrations, are revealing changes in their dynamic properties due to the loose of rigidity in the damaged building, and the recovery of the rigidity in the repaired building.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Huerta, L. G., & Mendoza Garcilazo, L. H. (2022). CHANGES IN THE DINAMIC PROPERTIES OF AN EXPERIMENTAL BUILDING BY THE ANALYSIS OF AMBIENT AND FORCED VIBRATION. Journal Earthquake Engineering, (108), 108–130.


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