reliability, repair, masonry, life cycle, reinforcement, failure consequencesAbstract
ISSN-e 2395-8251
This investigation uses structural reliability techniques for identifying optimal repair option of a structures with a dual system, concrete, and masonry walls. Additionally, it analyzes costs and service life to generate practical recommendations on the type of reinforcement for the limit state of resistance and service. Resistance and service limit states are included, and the combined performance of the frames and masonry walls are analyzed. Possible failure modes are identified, from bending and shear to drift between two floors in two different schools located in Yautepec and Tlatenchi, in the State of Morelos. The schools suffered serious damages in the walls that affected their safety levels after the earthquake of September 19 of 2017. Through the application of structural reliability and the concepts of the expected life cycle costs, a formulation is proposed to develop optimal reliability upgrading recommendations to repair schools damaged by earthquakes. The models are analyzed with a commercial software (PERFORM 3D V7) to obtain the maximum responses for the aforementioned schools. The coefficient of variation of load and resistance reported in the literature, are used to obtain the school’s failure probability. The failure probability of a structure for each limit condition, is evaluated under the damaged conditions of the structure, and, successively, different types of retrofits are proposed. Then the corresponding failure probabilities and the expected cost in the life cycle are calculated. Three repair alternatives are analyzed: reinforced concrete, steel flat strips and angles, and concrete reinforced walls. The optimal repair will be the one that renders the expected minimum life cycle cost. The complexities of the subject provide the opportunity to conduct multidisciplinary investigations that can be a convenient tool to generate practical recommendations for engineers in charge of structural repairs.
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