minimum base shear force; dynamic instability; cyclic strength degradation; P-Delta effectsAbstract
An evaluation of the minimum base shear force (MBSF) requirement of the Complementary Technical Standards for Earthquake Design (NTC-Sismo, 2020) is presented. The evaluation consists of generating dynamic instability spectra for different sites in Mexico City and comparing them with their corresponding design spectra. Dynamic instability is evaluated in terms of the collapse strength reduction factor, Rc, which relates the ordinates of an elastic spectrum of pseudoacceleration to the minimum lateral resistance that allows a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to remain stable under a given ground motion. In the study of Rc, three hysteretic models with trilinear force-displacement envelope, cyclic strength degradation and P-Delta effects are considered. Through a parametric study, the parameters that most influence the Rc factor for each hysteretic model are identified when subjected to an ensemble to ground motions representative of the earthquakes that occur in Mexico City. Subsequently, the results of the three hysteretic models are compared and the model used in the evaluation of the MBSF is chosen. Finally, the dynamic instability spectra are obtained and compared with their respective design spectra. It is shown that in regular buildings in which the collapse mechanism involves most of its levels, the MBSF is not required.
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