Regional transparent spectra, conventional structures, H/V spectral ratios, site effectsAbstract
The construction regulations of the municipality of Veracruz indicate that to carry out the earthquake design of structures use the CDS-MDOC-2015, which specifies using Regional Transparent Spectral (ETRs) for the design of conventional structures (ECs). To build the ETRs, the CDS-MDOC-2015 indicates to perform a basic exploration of the subsoil enforcement a set of requirements, that make it not economically feasible to carry out for ECs. Therefore, this study proposes a procedure that results from modifying the way in which site effects are characterized in the procedure recommended in the CDS-MDOC-2015 for the construction of Site-Specific Spectrum (EESs). In the regulatory procedure the site effects are characterized by a theoretical transfer function (FTT), while in the proposed they are characterized by H/V spectral quotients obtained from environmental vibration registers, the cost of which is less than the cost of an FTT and less than the cost of conducting basic subsoil exploration. Therefore, the proposed procedure is feasible to apply, with certain limitations, to build both EESs and ETRs for ECs design. This procedure is applied to construct an ETR in the Veracruz-Boca del Río conurbation, and from its comparison with the normative ETRs it was observed that these underestimates the seismic demands in almost the entire interval of periods.
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