Force Analogy Method, non-linear analysis, bilinearAbstract
The Force Analogy Method, FAM, (Force Analogy Method) is an innovative tool that allows static and dynamic analysis of a structure to be performed considering material non-linearity. The FAM can be used considering time histories applied in the base or in the mass of any system; the FAM is a tool that allows analysis to be performed accurately and quickly, with great computational efficiency. The methodology can be used in systems with passive and active control, in addition to considering bending, axial load, shear models of behavior and non-linear effects due to the geometry of the element. In this article, the FAM is presented in detail, providing its theoretical bases and a guide for its practical implementation. Practical examples are shown ranging from single degree of freedom systems to multi-level structures, considering non-linearity due to bending using the bilinear model. The results are compared with those obtained by traditional analysis methods, obtaining similar results.
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