
  • Edgar Tapia Hernández Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco Laboratorio de Estructuras http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4269-180X
  • Alejandro Santiago Flores
  • Héctor Guerrero Bobadilla Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM
  • Marcos M. Chávez Cano Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM




steel frames, earthquake demands, connections, experimental test, ductility


Cyclic inelastic behavior of six beam–column connections experimentally tested through natural-scale models are discussed. Selected configurations are widely employed in moment–resisting steel frame structures by the Mexican practice. According to the results, tested moment-resisting connections under large inelastic deformations demands developed an unexpected damage concentration that is not enough ductile for a high-ductility steel structure. The effect of various welding parameters and fabrications details are emphasized in order to improve the response of the connections under seismic demands.


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Author Biography

Edgar Tapia Hernández, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco Laboratorio de Estructuras

Profesor - Investigador. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco desde octubre 2018 a la fecha.

Profesor - Investigador. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Enero 2018 a la octubre 2018.

Profesor - Investigador. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco desde 2006 a diciembre del 2017.

Estancia de investigación, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canadá. 2008-2009.

Profesor visitante. Universidad de California en San Diego, Estados Unidos. 2014.


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How to Cite

Tapia Hernández, E., Santiago Flores, A., Guerrero Bobadilla, H., & Chávez Cano, M. M. (2020). EXPERIMENTAL BEHAVIOR OF CONNECTIONS FOR STEEL FRAMES UNDER SEISMIC DEMANDS. Journal Earthquake Engineering, (103), 37–55. https://doi.org/10.18867/ris.103.562





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